St. Michaels & All Angels church (Coventry Cathedral) lies in the very centre of the City. In November 1944 the Luftwaffe successfully destroyed the ancient church and unfortunately, the Parish Registers, which were held within it, were badly damaged by the fire which followed. These 'burnt' Registers have been carefully restored, as far as possible, but there remain many, many entries which have been completely lost.
Please use our Index with caution and be sure to satisfy yourself that you have identified the correct person. There are almost 31,000 baptisms during this period, and we have done our best to record the entries, but unfortunately, some are completely lost. However, Staffordshire Record Office does retain copies of some of the Bishops' Transcripts, so it would be as well to contact them to see if the Transcripts covering your search period have been deposited, for final verification. Please note however, the records are in storage and need to be ordered at least a week before you visit; tel. 01785 278379.
If you identify an entry which you believe relevant to your research, but do not have access to the original document, contact us, and we will provide you with the details.
Please note that there are some records missing and we are trying to obtain the original register to find and add them.
Table ET31
Use the search filters to find the person(s) you are looking for, i.e. to search for Lapworth type Lapworth in the surname box for the list and then type a forename to in the forename box to narrow down your search. Use Begins with to search for spelling variants or different churches in the same town.